No guild page available
Total honour 1.259.742
Ranking 63
Members 10 / 18 Members
Level Ø 33
Fortune 12.383

Guild description

Only with centurions now! Grow fast together!

[We are subsidiary guild of BBD If you want to be part of us, first of all, you need to join here, becouse we need to see the speed of your development!

What we expect from you:

English only
Communicate and helping each other
Be very active!

1. Always remember - This is a game, and we play it to have fun! So keep it fun!
2. Treat your comrades with RESPECT! - or you are OUT!
3. Share your knowledge if you are experienced, if not, ask for advise. We can give you plenty :)
4. If and when, a decision is made by the majority to upgrade a building, donate your share of gold to help with that!
5. Of course DO NOT ATTACK OR OVERBID a mate unless agreed upon (Exception for jackpots. You are free to attack for these without agreement, but you MUST notify on a guild message 24h in advance).
6. If you are offline for more than 72h, EXPECT to be attacked by guild mates. Take no offence, just wait your turn ;)
7. Finally, it is vital that we can communicate... Thus, you MUST be able to communicate in English even if it is to a basic standard.
